How to speed up Internet Explorer 7?
Today tip will help you to increase the speed of Internet Explorer 6 to Internet Explorer 7 by modifying the maximum number of connections per server. This should allocate the additional bandwidth and reasonably improve internet browsing performance. Using registry editor, you can implement this task in all windows versions with minimum effort. Make sure before modifying your system Registry about its backup because Registry contains all information how your system runs. This backup will help you to restore Registry in case any problem occurs after modifying.
Follow the given steps to increase the explorer speed:
To use this feature, you will need to be logged into your computer with
administrative rights.
Click Start button and type regedit in Run option then press Enter for next.
If these values are not present then in right side panel, right-click to create new DWORD value with the name "MaxConnectionsPerServer" and "MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server" then assign number 6 in value data for both keys.
Here locate the location to:
Here in right side panel, locate the values called "MaxConnectionsPerServer" and "MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server".
If these values are not present then in right side panel, right-click to create new DWORD value with the name "MaxConnectionsPerServer" and "MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server" then assign number 6 in value data for both keys.
Now close the registry editor and restart your computer after any changes to go into effect.
Posted by Basit Ali at 7:28 AM 0 comments
Have you locked your keys in the car?
This may come in handy someday. Good reason to own a cell phone:
If you lock your keys in the car and the spare keys are at home,
call someone at home on their cell phone from your cell phone.
Hold your cell phone about a foot from your car door and have the
at your home press the unlock button, holding it near the mobile phone
their end. Your car will unlock. Saves someone from having to drive
keys to you. Distance is no object. You could be hundreds of miles
and if you can reach someone who has the other "remote" for your car,
you can unlock the doors (or the trunk).
*It works fine! We tried it out and it unlocked our car
over a cell phone!"*
Posted by Basit Ali at 12:52 AM 0 comments
Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista Password Breaking & Cracking
Before starting, for newbies…
Windows NT 5.0 = Windows 2000 (all edition)
Windows NT 5.1 = Windows XP (all edition)
Windows NT 5.2 = Windows 2003 (all edition)
So throughout this post I will refer our target as Windows NT 5.x (as following content are equally applicable to all Windows NT 5.x OS family).
So lets start the fun. You will be surprised to know that you can break into any Windows NT 5.x system without any software tool 80% of the time! So does this mean you can break into 80% of the system only???
No No No, If this would have been true, I’d never posted this. I believe in 100% result. So for 20% system there are another ‘n’ no. of ways and I’ll tell u a bit insecure way later. First lets get to 80% of the vulnerable system.
In Windows NT 5.x, you can create any no. of user with different names & privilege and optionally password. One such account with highest privilege level, with user name “Administrator” is setup by default (at par with UNIX/Linux’s root account).
At the time of installation Windows NT 5.x prompts for password but many system are setup by vendors and other person. The user of the system is different than one who installed and these lazy people are always in hurry and SKIP this password window. (Now I feel this is something wrong with Windows. It should be like Linux’s installer anaconda who forces you to provide password for “root” user).
The irony comes next. In final step of installation you create an account. Lock it with password(optionally) and start using the system. Now on welcome screen you see account(s) with different name. But have you ever seen “Administrator” account name (except you skipped somehow to create another account or booting in safe mode”).
Now if u can’t see “Administrator” account on screen, and system is locked against administrator privilege. You can hit “CTRL+ALT+DEL” (in Windows XP) to get Authentication window of Windows 2000 style.). If you still fail to get windowed login screen, boot the computer in safe mode ( It is done by pressing F8 during booting and selecting "Safe Mode" from the menu ).
Once you get dialog box. Enter user name “Administrator”, leave password field blank and hit ENTER to brake into the system! This is what works 80% of the time (I know its hard to believe but rather simple to TRY IT OUT!!!!).
Now for rest of the 20% system (where “Administrator” password is not blank). There are literally more than 100’s of tool available on Internet and the tool I use, I like, I refer is here.
I don’t know its name. I got it from my hacker friend ROGER. I named it WinPass.iso. Its an ISO image and you can download it from megshare where I kept it for downloading! Burn this ISO on a CD… Its bootable image of 2.7 MB.
It has Linux OS with text-mode only. (No Linux Knowledge Require here!!! Great naa….). After booting from CD… A menu driven program will start with options and their description at each level.
READ EVERYTHING BEFORE GOING AHEAD as any wrong-turn will make the target machine unstable. One mistake may crash the system to the reinstallation phase! So test it first on systems from college, office, etc!
It worked 100% of the time….As its 3.03 MB (after extracting) you can burn it on a mini-CD and keep it in your wallet all the time, so can roam around having master key to all systems having Windows NT 5.x family OS!!!
You can search on Google for Windows Password Cracking And Hacking Tools and would get plenty of them. Soon I would be posting as in how these softwares work. Njoy !!!
Ready to crack in your friends comp huh ?
Posted by Basit Ali at 12:15 AM 0 comments
Saturday, February 21, 2009
How to Grow Your Blog Fast
If you follow the following simple steps. You can grow your blog faster and faster.
Blog Material
The most important part about a blog is the type of material that is published on it for Internet visitors to see and use. This material should be carefully designed and placed on the blog so that it is attractive to people who are seeking for information. The material needs to also be produced at the highest quality possible, in order to look professional and provide crucial knowledge about the blog's main category or topic.
Another part of the material has to do with the type of text that is placed on the blog. Every article that is published needs to contain information that is both relevant to the blog's theme and exciting for any visitor to read. The articles are the main part of the blog and are what will help build your blog's popularity in a fast and effective way. Remember to always write high quality articles that will attract a large portion of people that use the Internet on a frequent basis.
Proper Marketing
In order to quickly build up your blog's reputation, you need to perform a lot of effective marketing. This can be accomplished through the principle of networking, which means that you basically spread the information about your blog to as many people as you possibly can. There are many ways that you can tell people about your blog, some of which include email, face to face contact, and the publication of links.
Solid Online Relations:
The final way to help your blog grow faster than you ever thought possible would be to establish online relationships with other bloggers and web site owners. Creating solid relationships with these people will have a direct, positive effect on your blog. They will refer their traffic flow to your blog and make comments about it that are positive and profitable for you.
Posted by Basit Ali at 11:46 PM 0 comments
How hackers can erase their tracks after hacking.
Whenever someone comes in contact with another person, place, or thing, something of that person is left behind. This means that the attacker must disable logging, clear log files, eliminate evidence, plant additional tools and cover his tracks.
Here are some of the techniques that an attacker can use to cover his tracks:-
(1) Disabling logging – Auditpol was originally included in the NT Resource kit for administrators. It works well for hackers too, as long as they have administrative access.
Just point it at the victim’s system as follows:
C:\>auditpol \\192.168.10 /disable
Auditing Disabled
(2) Clear the log file – The attacker will also attempt to clear the log. Tools, such as Winzapper, evidence Eliminator, or Elsave, can be used. Elsave will remove all entries from the logs, except one entry that shows the logs were cleared.
It is used as follows:
Elsave -s \\ -1 “Security” -C
(3) Cover their tracks – One way for attackers to cover their tracks is with rootkits. Rootkits are malicious codes designed to allow an attacker to get expanded access and hide his presence. While rootkits were traditionally a Linux tool, they are now starting to make their way into the Windows environment. Tools, such as NTrootkit and AFX Windows rootkits, are available for Windows systems. If you suspect that a computer has been rootkitted, you need to use an MD5 checksum utility or a program, such as Tripwire, to determine the viability of your programs. The only other alternative is to rebuild the computer from known good media.
Posted by Basit Ali at 11:44 PM 0 comments
Download Multiple Free Files From Rapidshare
Rapidshare allows to download only a single file at a time with free account. If you
want to download multiple files at the same time, you need to buy a premium account but now you can download multiple files from Rapidshare free account without paying anything with RapidShare Download Accelerator.
With RapidShare Download Accelerator, you can add all the files you'd like to download, and it will do all the annoying work for you. Now you can just sit back and watch your files download without paying a dime.
Here is the Download link:-
Posted by Basit Ali at 9:16 AM 0 comments
Edit windows registry keys to change the Registered Owner.
Some time you entered the wrong or invalid registered owner information when you installed the windows. But don't worry you can change the registered owner information any time, if you have little knowledge about editing windows registry.
Follow the given steps to change the owner name:
First click on Start button then type Regedit in Run option.
Here locate the location to:
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion
Here in right side panel, double click on RegisteredOwner and here change its value data as you wish.
Now close the registry editor and restart your computer after any changes to go into effect.